$500.00 discount for students with a valid NT driver’s Licence

Master the BVLOS OCTA exam.
Prepare for the CASA BVLOS OCTA exam with in-depth theory training from seasoned pilots.
Do you want to fly drones commercially in any state or territory in Australia?
Knowing what training, licencing, and accreditation you need for your drone model or commercial needs can be a minefield.
Northern Territory-based drone training provider Unique Aerial Solutions offers all the training you need to achieve the most up-to-date qualifications, and can help you navigate the licencing and accreditation requirements to operate drones commercially.
If you are an organisation who currently uses drones, or has individual staff that use them, we also offer commercial competency checks, policy and compliance consulting, and drone servicing and maintenance.

View our Darwin-Based Remote Pilot Courses and Training
Remote Pilot Licence Training
7 Day Face-to-Face course
Remote Pilot Licence <25kg including CASA accreditation
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