Master the BVLOS OCTA exam.

Prepare for the CASA BVLOS OCTA exam with in-depth theory training from seasoned pilots.


Please view our list of useful links to resources related to the Drone Industry.

The Drone Lawyer
Tom Pils is an Australian lawyer specialising in drone law. In addition to the mandatory detailed knowledge of aviation regulations, Tom understands the surrounding legal issues including contracts, intellectual property, privacy, and dispute resolution. Tom has represented commercial drone operators in CASA investigations, advised on Flight Authorisations, drafted Drone Services Agreements, and worked with insurance brokers on drone specific policies. Tom is dedicated to educating drone service providers on legal and commercial issues which he does by way of speaking at conferences and on podcasts, as well as being an avid writer of drone-related articles on his website

The Civil Aviation Safety Authority is a government body that regulates Australian aviation safety. We license pilots, register aircraft, oversee and promote safety.

The CASA Know Your Drone program educates those looking to fly drones for fun. Find out more:

Know Your Drone
With Australians flying Drones in record numbers, more drones mean there is even more importance on understanding the rules to keep everyone safe.

NT Parks & Wildlife
For rules about flying and landing drones in NT parks and reserves.
If you want to fly your drone for recreation in a park or reserve you need an operation of aircraft permit.

Australian weather information.